Chamomile Powder 洋甘菊花苞粉

Chamomile helps soothe skin irritations and has anti-bacterial properties. It reduce puffiness and cleanse pores of impurities. Can be added into lotions to calm and soothe skin that has been exposed to the sun.

具有保濕與鎮靜的功效,可軟化皮膚,使皮膚平滑,局部敷於粗糙敏感及創傷的皮膚也有幫助癒合的作用有。酮,類胡蘿蔔素,β–胡蘿蔔酮 等美容成份。 具殺菌消毒、消除充血、促進傷口癒合、、皮膚保濕、柔軟、鎮痛等功效,過敏性肌膚保養適用。

Origin Country: UK

Suggested Uses: Infusions, soap making, lotion making

Grade: Cosmetic

Caution: Do not ingest. Keep away from eyes.

Packaging: Sealed aluminium bag

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