Cajeput Essential Oil 白千層 精油

Botanical Name: Melaleuca Leucadendra

Plant Part: Leaves and Twigs

Extraction Method: Steam Distilled

Common Uses: Also known as "minyak kayu putih", Cajeput oil can be used to relieve stiff, aching joints caused by rheumatism. It has warming properties and may be supportive for muscle stiffness, aches and pains. Good for cold care (similar to Eucalyptus) to clear up sinus and nasal passage. It is also a natural mosquito repellent. Cajeput essential oil has antiseptic and anti-microbial properties, which make it used as a local application for skin ailments.


Strength of Aroma: Medium.

Description: Cajeput essential oil has a fresh, camphoraceous aroma with a slight fruity note. The odour of the oil has been stated to resemble the combined fragrance of camphor, rosemary, and cardamom.

Caution: Not for ingestion. Avoid use during pregnancy.

Packaging: Dark amber bottle with orifice reducer (for controlled essential oil dispensing). 

Blends Well With: Tea tree, rosemary, bergamot, cedarwood, thyme, eucalyptus blue gum  

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